Saturday, April 11, 2009

Bakugan, Vol. 4: Heroes Rise

All Bakugan fans should mark August 4, 2009 on their calendars because Warner Home Video has just announced that they're going to release Bakugan, Vol. 4: Heroes Rise on DVD.

As with Volumes 1-3, this DVD is about Dan and his friends and their Bakugan pals who are trying to save the parallel universe of Vestroia and also our good old home planet, Earth from destruction.

There were no details about bonus features or extras that may or may not be included with the DVD at this time.

You can pre-order Bakugan, Vol. 4: Heroes Rise at Amazon.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Bakugan DS

The Bakugan Video Games isn't going to be released until the fall but a teaser trailer for the game is making it rounds on the internet lately. We really can't tell much about the game from this trailer but it's still cool to watch.

The game will be available on the Nintendo DS, Wii, Xbox and PS3.

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Bakugan Books

You'd think that there would be tons of Bakugan Books by now since they're the one of the hottest toys around but there really aren't. Getting a book published and printed and out in the stores takes a long time. But here's what available in for the Bakugan Book lover in your family.

The Battle Brawlers (Bakugan, Book 1)
This is the origin story of Bakugan. It pretty much mirrors the first episode of the Bakugan TV Show. It's perfect for kids who might not have seen all of the TV show episodes and want to know how it all began. This is an 80 page chapter book for readers ages 9-12. This is not a picture book. Bonus: It includes a character guide too.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers: The Battle Begins!
Now this book is also based on the first episode of the Bakugan TV Show but it's in the form of a comic book. Color illustrations are on every one of the 96 pages in this book and it starts out with a character guide.

Bakugan Battle Brawlers 2: The Masquerade Ball
Next up is another comic book edition. This is the second part and picks up where The Battle Begins left off. Another 96 pages of full color Bakugan action.

How To Draw (Bakugan)
Here's something different. This is a guide book on How To Draw Bakugan. It has 32 pages of instructions and examples and it's recommend for children ages 9-12. I've seen a lot of the "How to Draw..." books and this one isn't for beginners. Anyone can draw Pokemon with some practice, but Bakugan are pretty tough.

Sticker Book (Bakugan)
This last book is a good one for the young children. It's a sticker book so even if they can't read they can still get some enjoyment from the over 100 stickers inside. It's good for a young collector too because not only are there stickers in the book but it's also a guide book. For example, find the Drago sticker and put it on the Drago page and learn about Drago. That's how most sticker books work now a days.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Drawing a Pyrus Drago

Here's another awesome Bakugan speed drawing from YouTube. This one is a Pyrus Drago. I really wish I could draw like these guys.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Bakugan Tattoos

Here's something that every young Bakugan fan will be interested in. These packs of Bakugan Temporary Tattoos contain 35 Tattoos of your favorite Bakugan Characters.

All you have to do to put them on is peel the tattoo and place it on yourself. Then hold a wet sponge over it for about 30 seconds and you'll be all set. When you're done showing off your cool tattoo to all of your friends they can be easily washed off with baby oil or rubbing alcohol. Or if you're like my kids, after about a month's worth of baths, it'll eventually wear off.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Bakugan Video Game

If you're looking for a Bakugan Video Game, you're not alone. There's been talk of a DS game in the works and I've even seen rumors of a Wii game under development. Well until a week ago, those rumors were nothing but rumors. Now, thanks to Activision, we've got the facts.

On February 23, 2009, Activision announced that it has purchased the rights to produce Bakugan video games.

The games are now under development and should be released in Fall 2009 for the Xbox 360, PlayStation 2 & 3, Nintendo Wii & DS.

So what would the ideal Bakugan game be like? With the Wii you could definitely have some sort of Bakugan marble rolling action added to the game. Or if you're more into Bakugan Tournaments, online play would be a must. What sort of features do you want to see?

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Bakugan Trap

bakugan trapThis weekend my sister called me up with an emergency. Her son was playing Bakugan and didn't know what the rules were for the new Bakugan Traps. And sadly, both me and son were clueless.

A search for "Bakugan Trap" didn't help too much either. All we found were YouTube videos of people showing off their Bakugan collections to music. After some further digging, I did manage to find some information on the Official Bakugan Site.

Here's what it says:
"Bakugan TrapTM Official Rules:

A Bakugan TrapTM can only be played after the Gate Card is flipped over, when a battle has started between two Bakugan. The Bakugan TrapTM must match the attribute (Pyrus, Aquos, Darkus, etc.) of your Bakugan in the Battle.

Place your Bakugan TrapTM on the Gate Card to reveal the hidden attribute or G-Power rating on the inside of the Trap. If an attribute shows, change the attribute of your battling Bakugan to that of the Bakugan TrapTM. If the G-Power shows, add that to your battling Bakugan's G-Power.

At the end of the battle, your Bakugan TrapTM goes to your used pile.

When you move your Bakugan from your used pile to your unused pile (because you need one to roll), move your Bakugan TrapTM as well.

You may only use 1 Bakugan TrapTM in the basic game."

That explanation was a little heavy on the Trademark logo but it was still good none the less. Unfortunately I found it too late to help my nephew.

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